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How to Fix a Broken Nose

A broken or fractured nose is one of the most common facial injuries treated in the country. This injury can be especially unpleasant for patients since it often interferes with, or completely prevents, breathing through the nose in conjunction with altering one’s appearance. Whether resulting from a bad fall or a sports accident, a suspected nasal fracture should be seen by a doctor or surgeon as soon as possible to assess the scope of damage and proceed with the most ideal treatment options.

The best course of action in mending a broken nose depends on how badly the bones and cartilage of the nose are displaced. If your nasal injury is mild, your doctor may recommend waiting 48 to 72 hours before performing an evaluation to allow internal and external swelling to go down. If this is the case for you, applying ice while you wait to be seen by your doctor can help reduce inflammation and discomfort. If your nose is crooked and/or bruising forms under the eyes, these are good indications that your nose is broken. Always seek immediate medical attention if your nose is badly bleeding, if the bones are pushed over to one side, or if swelling completely inhibits your ability to breathe. In some cases, a rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty—which can fix damage to your nasal septum—may be recommended to restore proper breathing and return your nasal bones to their original positioning. If desired, your nose can be cosmetically improved at this time as well (i.e. straightening the bridge, adjusting the nasal tip, removing a hump). Fortunately, if surgical repair is necessary to restore the nasal framework, correcting a broken nose with a rhinoplasty or septoplasty can be completed years after the initial break.

Having a broken nose or nasal fracture can be painful and troubling, but help is available. Our board-certified plastic surgeons can work with you to determine the next steps in recovering proper form and function of your nose. Please contact Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas to schedule a consultation or to get assistance from a friendly member of our team.