Dysport® Treatments
Dysport® (abotulinum toxin A) is the latest injectable alternative to BOTOX® Cosmetic for the treatment of fine wrinkles about the eyebrows and forehead. While FDA-approved for medical indications, it has recently begun to gain popularity as an alternative to BOTOX® Cosmetic injections.
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What the difference between BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport®?
There is actually very little difference between the two products. The pricing is about the same, but the dosing is slightly different. The indications and adverse side effects, while minimal, are also quite similar. Patients do report, however, that with Dysport®, the facial muscles can still have some movement without the resulting wrinkles. Subjectively, it has also been reported by patients that their face feels less stiff or immobile after Dysport® when compared with BOTOX® Cosmetic.
In general, before receiving Dysport® or BOTOX® Cosmetic injections, it is best to be off aspirin, vitamin E, or other products that may increase the likelihood of bleeding or bruising. The injections take just a few minutes in the office setting and one can return to work or home immediately afterwards. The only potential side effect which may occur in rare circumstances is slight migration of the product toward the delicate upper eyelid muscle which may become temporarily weakened resulting in a slight dropping of the upper lid. This is always temporary, and easily treatable with eye drops to correct the drooping until the effect of the medicine wears off.
Contact Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas
For more information about Dysport® or any of our injectables, please contact Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas.