

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Ever wonder whether exercise and dieting are the only options to eliminate your double chin? Maybe in the past you were limited in your ability to improve specific areas of your body without surgery, but now, you have multiple treatment options. Targeting and reducing the appearance of a double chin may require the use of KYBELLA® and CoolSculpting® treatments. Traditionally, […]

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BOTOX® Cosmetic vs. Dermal Fillers

For those looking for non-surgical treatments to improve facial wrinkles or creases, we offer a variety of skin rejuvenation options, including BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and an extensive list of dermal fillers. While BOTOX® injections, Dysport®, and select fillers can serve similar purposes, their chemical properties differ considerably. In addition, every patient’s experience with these treatments will be unique. We encourage […]

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What Are My Facial Rejuvenation Options?

Today there are more techniques, both surgical and non-surgical, than ever before to address the changes seen in the aging face. First and foremost is consideration of accumulated skin damage from sun, wind, tobacco, etc. A proper skin analysis would reveal how to best approach a preparative regimen that might include proper cleansing formulas, hydrating agents, and skin revitalization creams. […]

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what is a mommy makeover?

What Is A Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and childbirth can be two of the most joyous occasions in a woman’s life. However, the body undergoes many changes during this time that can be difficult to reverse. Even with stringent diets and rigorous exercise, many women struggle to eliminate lingering excess skin and fat in certain areas of the body. In addition, breastfeeding can cause permanent volume […]

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Understanding Injectables: The Differences Between Cosmetic Injectables and Dermal Fillers

Minimally invasive facial rejuvenation treatments like dermal fillers and cosmetic injectables can be a great way to diminish wrinkles and creases and add volume to facial features; however, our plastic surgeons, emphasize the importance of understanding the indicated use of each injectable before developing a treatment plan. Injectables like BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport® are neurotoxin-based products that are delivered into […]

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New Dermal Filler Technique Produces Photoshop-Like Results

Dermal fillers and cosmetic injectables are traditionally used to add volume, reduce moderate to severe wrinkles, and fill deep creases; however, fine lines often prove difficult to treat. When placed closer to the surface of the skin—called the dermis—injectables can leave unsightly bumps or discolorations, something most patients wish to avoid. Injectable facial rejuvenation is a complex process; however, by […]

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