Breast Asymmetry
Asymmetric breasts generally become apparent in adolescence and can be a significant source of embarrassment for girls as they mature. Although most women have some slight degree of breast asymmetry (just as most people’s hands and feet are slightly different), significant breast asymmetry can pose problems of self esteem, not to mention difficulty finding proper bras to wear. In adolescents, this can be particularly challenging for girls who want to participate in sports, or just feel “normal.” Correction of breast asymmetry varies with each patient, and may require asymmetric breast augmentation, asymmetric breast reduction, asymmetric breast lift, or some combination of all three. Our Charleston plastic surgeon has extensive experience with correction of all forms of breast asymmetry. Surgical correction is easiest when breast development is complete, but in severe cases, early intervention may be necessary in a staged approach.

Contact Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas
If you are interested in more information on breast asymmetry correction procedures, please contact Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas.
Amazing place … I am so happy with the results … The best in the Carolina