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What is Recovery from Breast Augmentation Like?

Following breast augmentation surgery, I ask my patients to wear a comfortable, non-underwire bra for about four weeks, as well as to avoid strenuous activity that might result in implant malposition, swelling, or bleeding. Though often minimal, any potential discomfort can typically be managed with pain medication.

Most patients can return to their usual activities after one week, though exercise, heavy lifting, or any kind of cardio activity should be avoided for at least three to four weeks. A near final appearance of the breasts is often seen within two to four weeks, with the implant position having stabilized and most of the swelling subsided. Incision scars, however, can take up to a year to completely mature and lose their pink hue.

In regard to follow-up care, I like to see patients within the first four post-operative days, and then again at about six weeks. For out-of-town patients, we ask that they stay in the area for their first night following surgery, and they can then head home the next morning after being evaluated by me personally. Regardless of where they live, I invite my patients to contact me at any time should they have a question or concern. Additionally, my staff and I do not hesitate to have them come in to be evaluated in the event an issue arises.

Although breast augmentation is generally received for cosmetic reasons, it is important to recognize that this is real surgery, and that the pre-operative and post-operative instructions are critical to ensure the most favorable outcome. Thankfully, complications are truly rare and patient satisfaction is extremely high, making this one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed today.

Contact Our Office
To learn more about the breast augmentation recovery process, or to schedule a consultation at our office, contact us today.