HomeBlogHow Far in Advance Should I Schedule Breast Augmentation Before My Wedding?

How Far in Advance Should I Schedule Breast Augmentation Before My Wedding?

Are you considering getting a breast augmentation prior to your wedding? If so, you may be wondering how far in advance you should schedule the procedure to ensure your breasts are fully healed and looking their best in time for the big day. While the answer to this question will be unique to every individual, the following information generally applies to most brides-to-be.

In order to provide an ample amount of time for recovery and healing, our board-certified plastic surgeons recommend scheduling breast augmentation no later than one month before the date of the wedding. Following surgery, patients are instructed to rest and take things easy for approximately seven days, after which time non-strenuous activities—such as office-based jobs, running errands, etc.—can usually be resumed. Despite this return to normal daily routines, any heavy lifting, cardio exercise or physical activity will need to be avoided for about two to three additional weeks to ensure the breasts are able to heal properly. Unfortunately, this restriction typically includes dancing, and who doesn’t want to be able to dance at their wedding reception? It also includes something most people might not have thought of, and that is hugging. One should really avoid normal hugging for about four weeks after breast augmentation.

Apart from activity limitations, another reason our doctors advise scheduling breast augmentation at least one month prior to one’s wedding day is due to the potential for bruising and/or swelling to be experienced after surgery. While any bruising that may occur tends to resolve within several days, it generally takes approximately two to four weeks for the majority of swelling to subside. At this point in time, the breasts should be very near their final appearance, enabling you to look your best in your wedding dress.

Logistically speaking, something else to keep in mind is that the period of rest during the early stages of recovery could provide an ideal time for creating a guest list, addressing invitations, researching vendors, and taking care of other planning responsibilities that don’t require you to be up and running around town. Furthermore, you are likely going to want to allow time for most—if not all—swelling to go down before any alterations need to be made to your dress. As a result, scheduling your procedure sooner rather than later may work to your advantage.

Ultimately, as previously stated, all of this information is simply a general rule of thumb—the ideal time to schedule a breast augmentation prior to your wedding will be unique to your specific needs, goals and situation. If you are getting married and are interested in receiving a breast augmentation beforehand, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Plastic Surgery of the Carolinas for a more personalized answer to this question.