


Can You Reduce Your Breast Size with Diet and Exercise?

When the pain and uncomfortable symptoms caused by large, heavy breasts place burdens on your daily life, the need for a more manageable breast size can become a medical necessity as much as a cosmetic concern. There are many patients who ask whether dieting and exercise can potentially reduce the weight and volume of their breasts. The answer requires an explanation […]

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How to Fix a Broken Nose

A broken or fractured nose is one of the most common facial injuries treated in the country. This injury can be especially unpleasant for patients since it often interferes with, or completely prevents, breathing through the nose in conjunction with altering one’s appearance. Whether resulting from a bad fall or a sports accident, a suspected nasal fracture should be seen […]

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How Can Fat Be Removed By Freezing It?

There are numerous treatments available that can reduce exercise-resistant pockets of fat around the body; however, there is arguably no other method of non-surgical fat removal more popular than “fat-freezing.” This technology, also known as Cryolipolysis™, was developed by Harvard scientists who discovered that controlled cooling could ultimately be utilized to destroy fat cells. To give you a better understanding […]

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How to Get Rid of Jowls

Jowls along the jawline and lower cheek regions are a very common result of the natural aging process. Fortunately, there are effective ways to get rid of jowls, and our board-certified plastic surgeons offer advanced options designed to achieve this goal. Ultimately, jowls are formed by sagging skin and underlying deeper facial tissues resulting from a gradual depletion and relaxation […]

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Recovery Tips After Tummy Tuck

Most patients are understandably eager to return to their daily routines and show off their slimmer, sleeker body contour following a tummy tuck procedure. The desire to bounce back as soon as possible after abdominoplasty is expected, but taking the adequate amount of time to recuperate after surgery is vital—both to your health and the quality of your final results. […]

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Why Do Breasts Sag?

Breast sagging or droopiness—medically referred to as breast ptosis—develops naturally as the body changes and ages, with the descent of breast tissue presenting as a universal aesthetic concern for most women at some point in their lives. The gradual drooping of breasts can be caused by a combination of factors, including low collagen and elastin production, depleted breast volume, stretched […]

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How Breast Shape and Nipple Position Factor into Breast Augmentation

Many women are not necessarily looking for larger breasts when seeking breast enhancement, but rather a prettier shape. Perhaps they feel their breasts have too much droop, or their nipples are not where they want them to be. This is when understanding breast proportion and aesthetics is so important. This free hand drawing below demonstrates three identical line drawings of […]

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Breast Enhancement Surgery— In the Summer?

Why is the summer as good a time as any for breast enhancement surgery? Well, unlike the face or other parts of the body (arms, legs, etc.), the breasts remain relatively unexposed. Whether you are considering breast augmentation, a breast lift (or both), or breast reduction, summer is an excellent time for breast surgery. In most cases, you can be […]

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Breast Augmentation Isn’t All about Adding Size

When most people think about breast augmentation, they think about increasing the size of the breasts for an accentuated “bust.” While adding size to the breasts is certainly a key aspect of the procedure, it is often not the only goal of treatment, nor is it the sole enhancement a breast augmentation is able to provide. For women who have […]

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